What is mood?

March 21, 2020

What is mood?

When we talk about Mood, what we really mean is: How are people feeling? But, how can you know how all the people on Twitter feel about crypto? There are a lot of people saying a lot of things.

That’s where Sentiment Analysis comes in. Sentiment analysis is a technique from Natural Language Processing which can tell you if the general feeling of a text is positive or negative. So, for example: “BCH is the new BTC. It is definitely the way to go.” would be positive 😊, “ETH is a trash coin” would be negative 🙁, and “Learn more about cryptocurrencies” would be neutral 😐.

Why is it important?

When scrolling Twitter or reading the news, you are subconsciously trying to understand the sentiment of the author. You want to know how they feel about whatever the topic is.

This is especially important for crypto markets where the value of a coin is based on how much people are buying, selling, or mining. If people are feeling especially positive or negative about a coin, there might be something you should pay attention to.

Where can Mood be found?

You can find the Mood of a coin on our home page. There are three different Mood metrics: Mood Rating, Mood Change, and Mood Graph.

Mood Rating

Mood Rating is the overall mood score for the past hour. It ranges from -100 to 100. The closer to 0 it is, the more neutral it is.

Mood Change

Mood Change shows you how different the score today is as opposed to yesterday. A negative change means that the mood has dropped since yesterday, and a positive one means it’s risen.

Mood Graph

The Mood Graph shows the upward and downward trends over the past 7 days. This will give you an idea of the longer-term trends of a coin’s mood.